Promotion Period: The "Soothe Your Spirits This Holiday" promotion is available from December 9, 2024, at 12:00 AM EST to January 2, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST. Discount Offer: Enjoy 25% off on all p...

Nin Jiom Medicine made a successful appearance at the Vancouver Wellness Show held in February 2023. The brand's booth was a popular destination, with attendees expressing appreciation for the effectiveness of Nin Jiom's natural remedies. The event also featured interactive games and special offers on Nin Jiom's products. The brand's participation in events such as the Vancouver Wellness Show is a testament to its dedication to bringing natural remedies to people around the world.
Nov 24 , 2020
格林美大奖主得主Jason Mraz独爱京都念慈菴川贝枇杷膏护喉润声
新加坡《海峡时报》(2014年10月9日) 一篇与著名美国唱作歌手,格林美大奖得主Jason Mraz的专访中提到保持完美声线的秘诀,原来有赖京都念慈菴蜜炼川贝枇杷膏!Mraz提到他每场精采演出前的準备,包括一顿丰富又健康膳食,一小段轻松的瑜珈作为热身,哼著歌曲,还有……泡一杯薄荷茶,加入非常美味的京都念慈菴蜜炼川贝枇杷膏,是必不可少的妙品!Feature Photo: Flickr / @...
Sep 01 , 2020
京都念慈菴川贝枇杷膏在过去的流感季节备受纽约人热捧热卖,成为一时佳话! 华尔街日报报导,一名纽约的建築师暨设计学院教授咳了足足10天也未有改善,他曾在香港生活的女友为他推荐京都念慈菴川贝枇杷膏,吃下不消15分钟,喉咙即大感舒畅。 全球华人街知巷闻的京都念慈菴川贝枇杷膏也就在流感季节忽然炒至最高$70一瓶。 华尔街日报也就介绍由清朝传下的古方,并於1946年由谢兆邦先生发扬光大,将京都念慈菴...